A web crawler is a search engine bot that will download and index content on the Internet. It is also called a spider. It is called spiders because petrol is all over the web, just as real spiders scroll on their spider webs. Since the Internet is also known as the World Wide Web. The goal of a web crawler is to determine every web page so that the information can be retrieved when required.

Search engines operate these crawlers. When you apply a search algorithm to the data collected, search engines will provide accurate links in response to the users’ search queries by generating a list of web pages that show up after the user types a search into Google search engine or any other search engine.

How Does a Web Crawler Work?

Web crawler bots will start from the base, a list of non-URLs. They will crawl the web pages of these URLs first. Later, as they crawl those pages, they find hyperlinks to other URLs and add those to the list of pages to crawl up next.

However, there are specific guidelines that web crawlers follow while crawling pages that make them more selective about which pages should be crawled in what order and how often they should be crawled. Web crawlers do not crawl every page that is available on the Internet. Instead, they decide based on the page’s quality, the number of visitors the page gets, and other factors.


In conclusion, it is important to understand that if the web crawler bots do not crawl a website. It cannot be indexed on the search engine and won’t appear in the search results. So, website owners need to get organic traffic from search results. And it is also crucial not to block web crawler bots.