Data architects are IT professionals who enhance their computer science and design skills to review and analyze an organization’s data infrastructure, implement solutions to store and manage data, and plan future databases.

Data architects will understand the business needs with the help of existing data structures and create a blueprint for an integrated secure data framework, aligned and easily accessible with business strategy. It also considers all data sources concerning business operations and outlines design to centralize and maintain the data. They make the collection and retrieval of data accessible. To build sound data, they work with data engineers.

The data architect’s responsibility is to evaluate the current data architecture to keep databases secure. The task of them depends on the type of industry or organization. Below are some of the essential functions for data architects:

  • Create and implement data management procedures and processes.
  • Analyse plan and defined data architecture framework that consists of reference data, master data and security.
  • Converting business requirements into data warehouses and databases.
  • Developing application programming interface to retrieve data.
  • Team collaboration within the organization to implement data strategies to assess shareholder needs and goals.

Data architects skills

  • Knowledge of structured query language to manipulate data.
  • Data mining to uncover correlations and patterns in large data groups.
  • Data modeling tools to visualize databases and metadata.
  • Coding languages like C++, Java and Python to create applications for data analysis.

Data architects also integrate technical functionality to ensure data is accessible, accurate, and secure. Also, they conduct a continuous audit of data management system performance to refine and report immediately to the stakeholders if they find any loopholes.

They manage end-to-end data architecture, like designing the technical architecture, developing the application, testing, selecting the platform, and implementing the solution.