Portrait of Spain based on its brands and consumption – In today’s society, few things define us more than the brands we consume: whether they are products, services, or, increasingly, in the form of experiences. Especially in the younger generations, identities are built about reference brands and, knowing this; companies compete not only in sales but also in recognition, made through the association of their brands with a series of values.

The following 14 maps help us to outline a portrait of Spain based on its favorite brands and other more objective data,  with capparentdifferences between autonomous communities. In many cases, the winning brand by category varies depending on the territory and does so ,taking into account issues of its own identity and tradition. It should also be noted that the brands that lead in sales are not always the ones that win in preference; nor that, as in the case of supermarkets, being a leader in establishments means being one in preference. Perhaps our aspirations do not always coincide with reality.

1. Map of the favorite brands of milk in Spain

Milk is one of the hook products in the supermarket for which consumers tend to pay below the cost of production. Despite this, milk brands continue to launch a different product for each consumer while claiming the importance of sustainable farming.

In this map, consumers only trust local brands such as Larsa in Galicia, Central Lechera Asturiana in Asturias, Kaiku in the Basque Country or Puleva ,in Andalusia. However, Hacendado, Mercadona’s white brand, seems to go it alone and takes the podium, being the most chosen brand with 24.91% of the votes, followed by the Asturian brand with 21.59% of the votes. and from PuAnda with 13.23%. Although Hacendado continues to be the most chosen, it should be noted that the difference with its immediate competitor has been reduced by 50% compared to the ranking of the year 2021.

But what is the reason for the success of Mercadona’s white label? Apparently the unbeatable tandem between quality and price seems to be the reason for our choice. Something that the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) corroborates in its analysis of the 12 best semi-skimmed milks.

2. Map of the most influential Spanish brands 2022  

Amancio Ortega has not only conquered the Forbes list, but also the map of Spanish brands by preference. One success as a consequence of the other? Zara thus leads the podium with 31.06% of the votes, followed by Real Madrid with 22.89% of the votes and culminating in Mercadona with 17.51%.

3. Map of the favorite brands of beer in Spain 2022  

The “brewers” are faithful in their love for a brand. It is a choice that mixes the rational, the emotional and, in some cases, even regional pride. Thus, Andalusians, Aragonese or Murcians boast of their brand of beer, as they could of their folklore or their sausage.

Estrella Galicia, whose brewery group only reaches fourth place in the country in sales, continues to win the battle for another year in terms of favorite beer in various territories in the west and even the east of the country. In addition, he extends his advantage by more than doubling the votes of his pursuer, with 33.46% of the votes. The greatest resistance is offered by Mahou, which dominates the interior of Spain in terms of preferred brand and whose brewing group, Mahou-San Miguel, is the sales leader at the national level. This leads him to be in second place in the ranking with 15.17% of the votes. The international brand Heineken closes with 12.48% of the votes.

4. Map of the favorite fashion brands in Spain 2022

Zara is the most influential Spanish brand according to those surveyed. Something that is also clear if we look closely at the fashion sector. The brand is a favorite in almost all territories, with the exception of the Basque Country, where the American Levi’s is chosen. At the national level, Zara has also given the surprise, placing itself in first place by preference with 26.21% of the votes, followed by the aforementioned Levi’s with 20.19% of the votes and H&M with 12.70%.

Its ability to identify rotating fashion trends each season, its accessibility, and the union of offering affordable products without compromising quality make Inditex’s flagship the reference fashion brand in our country and the rest of the world.

5. Map of the favorite soluble cocoa brands in Spain 2022

One of the great battles of Spanish gastronomy along with the potato omelette with or without onion is Cola Cao or Nesquick. The vast majority of us have grown up with these brands that have been reference options for breakfast for the little ones and not so little ones for more than 50 years. And it must be time because Cola Cao, in addition to being of Spanish origin, has been behind him for a few more years. Perhaps for this reason it is the reference option for 58.97% of those surveyed, compared to 39.46% who choose Nesquick.

6. Map of the favorite fast food brands in Spain 2022

In addition to the calendar for the World Cup, another big change this year is the choice of Burger King over McDonald’s. Two brands with a lot of rivalry that often refer to each other in their marketing campaigns. Last year’s ranking gave McDonald’s the brand preference but the competition is so even that this year Burger King has achieved first place with 27.57% of the votes compared to 23.06% of the votes it has achieved his rival. Further away are other brands such as KFC, which is in third position with 16.39%.

Spanish brands such as Telepizza, Pans & Company or 100 montaditos are already far away. It seems that we are more of a hamburger here.

7. Map of favorite supermarket brands in Spain 2022

As is the case with ZARA in textiles, in supermarkets the Mercadona logo reigns supreme in almost all Spanish territories. The Basque brand Eroski remains firm in its place of origin despite the expansion of the Valencian brand. Mercadona has gained a legion of apostles, despite not being the leader in coverage in most communities (as can be seen below). Just what the national top 3 reflects with Mercadona (35.88% of the votes) beating its pursuers, Lidl (19.72%) and Carrefour (13.22%) by a wide margin. Despite the apparent dominance of the Valencian, Lidl has cut 7.16 points compared to the previous year, and 17! If we look back 2 years, the competition is far from over.

 8 . Map of the favorite insurance brands in Spain 2022

The insurance market divides the territories between Mapfre, which is the favorite with 26.95% of the votes, Sanitas second with 15.55% and Generali, which, despite having only one territory, completes the podium with 15.28 %, very close to second place.

9. Map of the favorite telecommunications brands in Spain 2022

If there is one place where it is difficult to establish a brand position and at the same time generate a good customer experience, that is the market of mobile operators. In previous years we have seen how Movistar, despite being a brand of Spanish origin, did not reach consumers at the level of preference, however, little by little we see how the blue operator is gaining ground and has already conquered 11 territories by preference. Even so, it still has a long way to go since Vodafone is still at the top of the podium with 22.05% of the votes.

It should be noted that Orange, being the operator with the highest advertising investment according to Infoadex in the last 4 years, continues to fight to win the top positions.

10. Map of car brands by sales in Spain 2022

The automobile market is transforming. The transition to clean energy, the pandemic and the new models of urban mobility mean that registrations fall year after year and the market is more fragmented. Buyers are not brand owners, the best-selling brands in each territory are changing and local production no longer a factor to be taken into account for the consumer. By territories, Kia stands out by appearing on the automobile map with force, conquering 3 regions.

At the national level, the brand of Spanish origin Seat is the exception, as it continues to be the best-selling brand for the 4th consecutive year. On the other hand, Peugeot advances in the shadows, loses territories, yes, but in total sales it reaches second place on the podium. It is also worth noting Toyota, which appears in the photo of the sales leaders for the first time, taking third place.

11. Map of motorcycle brands by sales in Spain 2022

In the motorcycle ranking, as if it were a grand prix, the Yamaha and Honda brands extend their fight to the market. The brand of Spanish riders such as Marc Marquez leads the ranking, followed by Yamaha and Piaggio.

The sale of motorcycles has increased compared to last year thanks to the proliferation of urban and electric motorcycles, decisive for saving space in cities and reaching the goal of zero emissions in central almonds.

12. Map of supermarket brands by number of establishments in Spain 2022

The food sector was one of the few sectors that benefited during the pandemic and this is demonstrated by its billing data that is in an upward trend. However, supply problems and rising costs caused by inflation threaten to destroy the margin of companies in this sector.

This is not good news for DIA, which is going through financial problems and for a few years has been reducing the number of establishments. The latest proof of this is the sale of 235 supermarkets to Alcampo in August of this year. Even so, it continues to be the leading chain nationwide by number of establishments (15.67% of the total) occupying the center and some areas in the north of the peninsula.

In the rest, the leading chains in each community are regional companies and almost all of them are Spanish-owned, Coviran being second in the ranking with 10.56% of the total establishments and Mercadona in third place with 7.65%.

13. Map of banking brands by number of branches in Spain 2022

The main Spanish banks closed more than 3,000 branches in Spain during the year 2021 mainly due to mergers derived from the digital transformation and the reduction of margins in recent years. Now the panorama may be changing with the policies against depopulation and the expected rise in interest rates by the European Central Bank.

At a national level, CaixaBank is the leader in branches, after the merger with Bankia despite closing down more than 800 branches, with 22.50% of the branches. It follows by Banco Santander, which is the one that has closed the most branches in 2021 with 17.60% and in third place BBVA with 8.37% of the national network.

14. Map of gasoline brands by number of stations in Spain 2022

The oil map is changing with renewable energy. Three logos are enough for us. That of the Canary Islands DISA and the giants Cepsa and Grupo Repsol (includes Campsa and Petronor). The international brands BP, Shell or Galp found in almost all the Autonomous Communities, but always at a great distance from each leader. As the map advances, the podium is led by Repsol, with 17.72% of the gas stations. The second place is for Cepsa, with 11.24% and the third for BP with a modest 5.29%.

The rise in fuel prices and the decision of the European Union Environment Commission to ban the sale of combustion vehicles in 2035 will force these brands to reinvent themselves and become charging stations for electric vehicles if they want to continue to be at the top of the podium.