How to fix the Epic Games launcher not working – The Epics launcher experience is a genuinely essential library, store, and companions list without the capacity to turn undetectable or change your status. Regardless of its straightforwardness, the launcher sometimes has issues that keep players from signing in and getting to games in their Epic library.

Most issues are generally simple to fix and will not need a total reinstall, albeit once in a while when things are especially terrible, it may be substantially more troublesome.

Problems with the epic games launcher

Issues with the Epic Games launcher can keep you from playing the games you own, including keeping you from perusing your stock or keeping it from sending off through and through.

For instance, a few players confronted a bug that made the launcher show a dark screen when it showed up. Issues change, yet a significant number of the arrangements that fix one can help fix another.

Epic Games Launcher is not working (fixes)

server status

The first thing Epic Games recommends is checking the Epic server’s status. If the service isn’t working, the launcher is probably not working properly.

You can do nothing when Epic’s servers are down except wait for them to back up. Do not try to troubleshoot or reinstall the launcher when the servers are down.

Consult Processes

Sometimes the Epic Games launcher doesn’t close completely and hides in your processes even though it doesn’t seem to be running. Once you’ve verified your processes, you can end it and try starting the launcher again.

To check your processes, open Task Manager from the start menu and browse the list of processes.

Blinking launcher icon

If the Epic Games launcher icon on your taskbar is flickering, there are steps you can take to fix the error that caused it and restore your access to the launcher simultaneously.

  1. Right-click on the Epic Games launcher easy route or executable record.
  2. Click Properties, and afterward, on the Shortcut tab, select Normal Window starting from the drop menu.
  3. Choose the Compatibility Tab, uncheck the really look at boxes, and afterward click Apply.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Type Graphics Settings in the Windows search bar, and afterward, press Enter.
  6. Select Classic App from the dropdown menu, and afterward, click Browse.
  7. Go to the catalog where you have the Epic Games launcher introduced.
  8. Click on EpicGamesLauncher.exe and afterward select Add.
  9. Choose Options.
  10. Select Power Saving.
  11. Click Save.

Update the launcher

Here and there, a basic update can make a program work once more. If your launcher opens yet doesn’t work, have a go at refreshing it.

  1. Click Settings on the main page of the launcher.
  2. Click Reboot and Update.
  3. Reboot your PC once the update is finished.

If you don’t see a button, it funds no update available, and you have the best launcher version.

However, it is good practice to restart your computer anyway if you are having problems with the Epic Games launcher. That way, you can be sure that the simplest solution isn’t right before moving on to the more difficult ones.

If this doesn’t work and the icon keeps flashing, you need to check if Windows has been updated or not. Windows 8 and 8.1 users sometimes downgrade the NVIDIA driver from 451.67 to 446.14.