Geomarketing gains positions in the commercial strategies of companies. More and more brands are betting on these techniques, convinced of their high potential to segment audiences, attract new customers, retain those who already trust them or engage in effective dialogues that materialize sales.

The value of these geo tools is guaranteed by the quality and usefulness of the data they provide. Spatio-temporal coordinates allow much more fine-tuning and rapid redirection of actions to increase transactions.

How can marketing help a business sell more?

The information provided by geolocation techniques allows companies to know consumers’ profiles and behaviour patterns in a more local and detailed way. In short, give concrete answers to critical questions such as:

Where are my clients? Where are my potential customers? And also, Where is my competition located?

In this way, in the medium and long term, geo data makes it possible to work with more territorialized and detailed information on potential consumers, the operation of the company itself, and the competition.

A battery of precious data to reinforce market research, bet on future openings or win the pulse of other companies in the sector located in the same area of ​​activity.

The value of real-time data

Geomarketing is equally valuable at present for its ability to multiply the possibilities of conversion.

The data provided by these techniques provide companies with a large volume of information in real-time. Documentation that makes it possible to segment campaigns extensively, engage in more authentic dialogues with customers and generate feedback.

A good marketing strategy will make it possible, for example, to launch highly segmented and personalized campaigns. We offer call-to-action messages with discounts or bonuses to users close to the business and have decided to approach it.

In the same way, it will allow other types of specific messages to be provided to those other potential customers who, even though they are not close to the business at a particular time, frequently travel to places where the company is present and may be interested in an offer or the purchase of a product or service.

Geomarketing and the smartphone revolution.

The greater use of smartphones and the access from these devices to the internet and specifically to different social networks have reinforced the value given to marketing actions.

The information provided by these social dialogue platforms with geo possibilities -capable of locating the user in a specific space and time- opens up new and effective meeting channels between companies and their potential customers.

These are effective ways to offer users helpful purchase information or offers, close to them in the physical space and adjusted to their needs to help them make a purchase decision.

Platforms like Instagram, Twitter or, more recently, Facebook with Local Awareness increase the scope of marketing possibilities. These spaces allow the brands to reach their customers in a more segmented way and, in real-time, showing advertisements for a business to a specific public located near the establishment.

The power of the geo suffix in apps and sales channels

The applications also contribute their grain of sand to this positive effect in favour of marketing. Tools like Google Maps, through Explore, open up new options for companies to reach their audience and generate sales.

To do this, it provides users with helpful information with added value in reviews, schedules, locations or routes to reach the establishments.

In the case of a traveller, for example, who is looking for a hotel with specific characteristics in a city “x”, thanks to the geo-information provided by his phone, he will be able to access the options closest to where he is.

In the same way, you will have at your fingertips the evaluations of other users on channels such as TripAdvisor; you will be able to benefit from discounts for sharing the information for selecting that hotel or recording your visit through Foursquare.

Geodata can also generate purchase operations thanks to local deals or offers. Through these formulas, it is possible to more accurately adjust the promotions to a specific audience and close to the business through channels such as Yelp, Groupon, Amazon Local or Foursquare.

A direct formula to gain effectiveness and save – Geomarketing

In short, the data provided by geolocation are vital to multiplying the efforts made by companies in their marketing strategies and also to boost savings. The design of a good battery of actions in this field will allow a better understanding of the particularities of sales in an area and adapt the strategies to a specific audience.

In addition, it will favour the preparation of more accurate pricing policies according to consumer profiles, habits and responses to the promotional actions launched. And finally, determine those areas in which businesses will have more chances of success based on the activity in that territory and the actual habits of customers.