Digital media have transformed the way we communicate – With the use of email, WhatsApp messaging, conference calls, blogs, forums, social networks, and chat rooms, both informal and corporate communications have developed their subtle code of etiquette.

Virtual communications have not only changed the means of transmitting messages. Official company memos that used to posted on billboards or visible sites now sent with the push of a button. The way of writing an email, the time it was sent, and the email’s subject can define the percentage of success of the message transmitted. Social networks are medium recruiters investigate before hiring a candidate, and not responding to company emails can cause dismissal. Still, they have conditioned the way and the rules in which it issued, which has taken away space for the exercise of negotiation skills and expression of body language that, until recently few years were vital in the way in which the interlocutors perceived.

Technology has become an inseparable part of the routine of most people.

Mobile is the first thing most Gen Xers, Millennials, and Gen Zs look at before noon and the last thing they check at night. Nowadays, most professions and occupations depend on a technological device to carry out their work: computers, GPS, bodily function monitors, surveillance cameras, satellite telephony, electronic keys, etc. The collapse of a city can evidenced when there a general failure of electricity or the internet: means of transport are paralyzed, many businesses have to close, and people experience withdrawal symptoms due to being cut off from the internet. technology helping people’s lives, or does it condition their functioning? The answer to that question is contingent on the culture, the occupation and, of course, each person.

Technology has changed the way people bond

Social networks are changing the way of being intimate with other human beings. It no longer just about how technology has conditioned our communication norms but about the fantastic way in which links created and strengthened in virtual media. People can meet on a dating app, fall in love and propose virtually.  People maintain their affective ties using technological tools, supervising their children through web cameras in daycare centers, and they can end a relationship by changing a Facebook status. On the contrary, cyberbullying has pushed some people to commit suicide.

The problem is how this satisfaction of needs immediately weakens our social skills. Will the new generations understand that when they meet someone at a party, they cannot classify who they meet by age, sexual preference, distance and interests? It is increasingly difficult for people to have difficult face-to-face conversations, the opposite of what happens in digital media, where they can block the interlocutor and end the discussion. One of the ways that these applications have to avoid the problem is by informing users, particularly the most vulnerable population, of the advantages and limitations of their technology and providing tools for better use of their networks;

Artificial Intelligence is replacing human interaction

Advances in artificial intelligence have facilitated how the necessary information found in the digital world and an assistant in different types of organizational, educational and private life processes.  Artificial intelligence suggests products and people of possible interest to users based on their previous searches and decisions. Trained programs defend spam mailboxes, files with malicious content, and sniffers. Applications with “millennial patience” accompany students to review lessons and evaluate knowledge to validate the level of learning. These contexts where these intelligent programs’ interactions with human beings in everyday life can observed at a general level, obsolete professions. Tasks previously performed by people, such as data analysis,

All the spaces that technology has conquered in the areas of action of the human being respond to a need to spread, accelerate and multiply at an exponential level the results of the work of its creators. One way to protect users while empowering them to use all of these tools to their full potential is by educating them, the user. Suppose new generations can alerted to the dangers of putting their private lives online, users of strong password strategies, and voice app users of their performance features. In that case, their creators will be bridging the gap between what You want to convey your brand and the genuine needs of your consumers. Then a crisis would not be accelerating due to the possible loss of the human essence,

Crisis versus Opportunity, seeking balance through information

The most pessimistic say that if humanity continues in this accelerating habituation of technological advances, it will lose its essence.  The reality is that thanks to these inventions, human beings have changed forever. We have created a symbiosis with programs and devices that, although they make us dependent, also allow us to go beyond our star and reach other galaxies. The important thing is the incorporation of education to be able to digest the influence that technology has on the lives it touches, and every company must have the priority of educating its clients about the characteristics of the technological tools that it sells or that it needs to provide the services it offers. One of the most active ways to do this is through content marketing.

The production of high-quality material, abundant and fully available to customers, position the company, gives high profitability and results in a user informed of the benefits and areas of development of the technological tools that being used, providing the capacity to decide and use the tools as mentioned earlier to their full potential.