Validated learning is a process in which you can learn how close each iteration is to satisfying the people for whom we are building products. This is used in lean startups where product iterations focus on user requirements and needs. This learning is based on data such as user engagement, revenue, feedback, and more. Working on the above data will help understand it as evidence-based and make the results more actionable.

This will lead to more genuine product improvements in each iteration. Validated learning can be a remarkably efficient process if done correctly. The Lean Startup aims to rapidly build a minimum viable product and release it to a small group of users. The feedback and data gathered from this initial release are used to validate or invalidate assumptions about the product, market, and customer needs.

Why is Validated Learning Important?

  • Validated learning is a crucial part of the product development process and lean startup. It has various advantages for the product development process compared to the traditional product cycle.
  • When there is proper learning, there will be more efficient and quicker development. This will also lead to less time and resource consumption on the development journey.
  • It is a more flexible approach that will facilitate agile working and quicker development of MVP (minimum valuable product). This will make your organization more efficient and flexible.
  • The final product will align more closely with user expectations when you learn about the product data and metrics.


In conclusion, the idea behind validated learning is to avoid spending significant resources on developing a product that may not meet the target audience’s needs. By testing assumptions early and often, startups can decrease the failure risk and increase the chances of building a positive and sustainable business. The feedback and data gathered from this initial release are used to approve assumptions about the product, market, and user needs.