Secondary data is collected through sources and made available for researchers to use. This type of data has already been collected. This data type is usually used in universities or companies to conduct more research by other researchers. It can be ordered for general use for no particular research purpose. The data is reused in The case, making it primary data for the first research and this data for the second research when used another time. Let us look at some of the sources of secondary data.

What are the Sources of Secondary Data?

Secondary data sources include newspapers, journals, books, websites, and other records. Since these are considered readily available compared to the primary data, you must do very little research when working with this data.


The information that you get through the newspaper is very reliable. So you can use it as one of the most authentic data collection resources. The information shared in a newspaper is mainly related to economics, finance, education, politics, and entertainment.


Books are one of the traditional ways of collecting information. Many books are available for almost all the topics you can think of. When you are carrying out research, you need to look for a book that is related to the topic of your research. It will help create a literature review or articles when you get a book from authentic resources of authentic data.


The information you get through a website may not be trusted compared to other sources. It is crucial to check whether websites are authentic before collecting data from them.


In conclusion, secondary data is used in various research processes, businesses, and more. Many researchers choose this data for multiple reasons. It is crucial to get authentic and good primary data so the outcome of secondary data will be positive.