Net neutrality is a process by which all the data on the Internet is treated equally by Internet service providers regardless of content, application platform, or device. It will also help access Internet content and allow transparency in all Internet services and applications. It also targets issues like filtering online content based on business agreements on Internet speed.

Tim Wo, a law professor at Columbia University, discovered network neutrality. It came into existence By keeping in mind the Internet regulatory discussions and public policies that will help people to have online freedom of expression, innovation competition of services, and Internet traffic management. It also works against things like filtering online content or blocking if something is not suitable for people.

Policies of Net Neutrality

Net neutrality has some of the policies that you need to study about to understand it correctly:

  • The network neutrality legislation that the Obama administration advanced in 2015 passed rules that barrier Internet service providers, improving the speed and slowing down the traffic from specific websites based on business preferences.
  • The federal communication eliminated all net neutrality protections and renounced its authority over broadband. But it also implements its own open Internet rules.
  • A net neutrality loss was self-developed in India in 2017, considered the strictest laws in the world. Indian activist who wanted to promote an open Internet and widespread Internet access to all citizens. They advocated together for net neutrality laws. Not only this, but all these service providers who violate these regulations face issues like losing their license to operate.

Well, more policies were implemented based on network neutrality, and the above are some examples to understand it better.


In conclusion, network neutrality will help to promote an open and free Internet that service providers or other organizations do not trap. There has been debate over regulations, policies, and changes enacted since 2015.