Needs assessment is a process for understanding the needs between current and desired outcomes. It will help you pinpoint how you will be able to achieve your strategic goals, which means it is a part of strategic planning. It is an opportunity for improvement within a specific system. Once you identify and want to resolve your needs, you can grab new opportunities, such as identifying resource gaps or issues in the workflow, making the work process more effective, or streamlining resource allocation.

Suppose, for example, the team is working on a presentation. Please understand the resources needed to complete the presentation process, such as getting accurate information from authentic resources and creating your practical data for production.

What is the Purpose of Needs Assessment?

A needs assessment will determine the area within your organization that will require improvement—using it on existing processes to analyze data and inform internal changes.

Let us consider below examples of processing that you will use to accomplish:

  • Customer journey process that needs to be revised.
  • Process that will automate duplicate manual work.
  • It can take time to pinpoint the needs where it recommends improvements. If you are finding multiple areas of opportunity, it means it needs analysis to identify the areas of improvement.


In conclusion, a needs assessment will help you quickly determine the crucial process gaps to achieve your decided outcomes. Not only this, it will also help in assessing the current processes. It will also give you insight into your team’s work and help identify potential practical improvements. It will not only improve productivity but also improve team morale. Eventually, it will help you achieve a successful career fast. It will take time to pinpoint the needs where it recommends enhancements. If you are finding multiple areas of opportunity, it means it needs analysis to identify the areas of improvement.