In-app purchases are the process of purchasing that occurs within the app. It is one of the primary models app publishers used to monetize their apps. In simple terms, if you want something from any app, they charge you for it even if you have downloaded their app. An example of this is paying YouTube to watch better quality videos and download them, too. It means the app is providing you with extra services within the app. All these purchases are paid to the App Store.

You will get a message with a purchase description whenever you use an in-app purchase. The app will offer additional features from the basics. The user will opt for two options: either they will buy the service, or they will bounce back from the app. And the name appears below the app to make purchases: “In-app purchase.”

Types of In-app Purchases

There are four types of in-app purchases. There is no limit to using any in-app purchases; many publishers will use more than one to generate revenue. Let us look at the types.


It is a type of purchase where a user needs to repurchase the service after using the consumable purchase to enjoy a similar service since the purchases become depleted as the user.

Non Consumable

Once a user makes a non-consumable purchase, then it is available permanently. It doesn’t expire over time. This type of purchase offers premium features.

Auto-Renewable Subscriptions

The recurring charges to access the content, services, and other features. For example, it can be a monthly or yearly subscription until the user cancels it. Netflix is the best example of this type of auto-renewable subscription.

Non Renewable Subscriptions

This subscriptions are not renewed automatically. It is done for a limited period. If the user wants to use the services again, they must repurchase them.