Head tracking is the process of enabling an application to identify a user’s head movement. This is usually found in conjunction with eye or face tracking. It will use facial features like eyes, nose, and mouth to track the user. Head tracking is a process that only requires a little. Just a primary camera or face-tracking software is enough. This also helps in enhancing the human-computer interaction.

Head tracking is used in different applications like device passwords for security, home automation, and games. As per the head movements, the data is digitized and sent to the application to perform crucial tasks. In head tracking, the user’s face and head movements are captured by capturing raw data via the camera. Sometimes, it may also require special equipment to be worn on the head to capture the movements.

All the facial features are analyzed separately. A particular distance is required to track the head movements, especially regarding laptop webcams. Other actions can also be performed through applications corresponding to head movements. One of the things that is beneficial in head tracking is capturing the direct movement and behaviors of the characters through face controls.

In augmented reality, head tracking is used in conjunction. This concept is usually used in games where the player’s head movements attract, and changes are carried out in the game controls with their movements. This tracking is also prevalent in smartphone integration, supporting different games and user authentication. This will have another layer of security to the usual username and password authentication.

Any user can customize different movements to ensure their identity on their devices. Another user of it is in automated photo capturing that will be based on face features and poses. You can also use this tracking process in headphones to adjust the sound from  AirPods.