Artificial intelligence is all the rage today. An ever-increasing number of companies have an AI model that can do amazing things and help in various areas. And there’s a lot of excitement going around about their capabilities. But they also come with some serious limitations, which are just as important to understand as their capabilities.

So, let’s dive into what AI models can and cannot do at the beginning of 2024.

They Can Understand the Text

AI models are great at understanding and generating human-like text. Just think of what even the freely available GPT-3.5 can do – and let’s not even get started about GPT-4. While the text they generate is imperfect, it’s good enough for news content and summaries. These models can even generate lyrics, poetry, and screenplays based on the prompts they receive.

But They Can’t Understand the Context

AI is good at understanding words and phrases, but it needs to gain an understanding of context. It’s incapable of grasping nuance, sarcasm, and the cultural background of the information it reads. AI lacks emotional intelligence, so it’s unable to understand the subtleties of social interactions. This limits its effectiveness in scenarios that require empathy or emotional depth.

This is especially important when dealing with different languages. AI can quickly and easily translate words and phrases but can’t detect the emotions behind the words or get their cultural background. For example, an AI might think of a femorotibial joint when someone mentions “the bee’s knees”.

They Can Sift Through Data Incredibly Fast

AI is great at analysing large bodies of data and discovering patterns that elude its human counterparts. A well-trained AI model will make predictions and provide insights with an unmatched speed, whether about finance, medicine or an exhaustive mobile casino list.

But They Can’t Apply What They Learned

AI is great at discovering patterns and analysing data but needs to improve at using it, especially when it requires interdisciplinary knowledge. It lacks the “general intelligence” needed to apply knowledge from one domain to solve problems in another.

And it’s unable to understand moral nuances and make ethical decisions. This means that it will just as easily give the list of mobile casinos to underage users as it would to others.

They Can Create and Play Games At The Highest Level

AI can learn to play games and, in time, find the perfect game required for maximum results. Plus, it can generate dynamic, challenging gaming environments and simulate real-life scenarios in video games.

But They Have No Ideas Of Their Own

Everything that an AI model creates is based on the data it was trained on and the instructions built into it. It cannot have an idea or devise a solution outside its parameters.

AI, especially generative AI, has come a long way since it was introduced to the general public a decade ago. But it’s important to understand that it has its boundaries. Understanding these will help you make better use of its capabilities without unrealistic expectations and without overly relying on its work.