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Malware Write For Us – PCs, Macs, laptops, phones, and tablets are exposed to various malicious software and other security threats. As a first step toward securing your devices and protecting yourself online, try to understand the main categories of malware and other threats.

What is malware?

The name malware is an abbreviation for “malicious software ware ” (malicious software). Malware embraces any software program that has been fashioned to perform an unauthorized (and often harmful) action on a user’s device. Examples of malware:

  • Computer virus
  • Word and Excel macro viruses
  • boot sector virus
  • Script viruses, including batch, Windows shell, Java, and others
  • Keyloggers
  • password stealers
  • Backdoor Trojan viruses
  • Other trojan viruses
  • Crimeware
  • Spyware
  • Adware and many other types of malicious malware agendas

For more data about malware, see the following articles: “Who Creates Malware?” and “Malware Classifications”.

What is the change between a computer worm and a worm?

  • Computer virus
    This type of malicious program can replicate and spread from file to file on a computer and move from one computer to another. Computer viruses are often programmed to perform harmful actions, such as damaging or erasing data. The longer a virus leftovers undetected on your computer, the greater the number of ill files that may be on your computer.
  • Worms
    Worms are generally considered a subset of computer viruses, but through some specific changes:

    • A worm is a computer program that duplicates but does not contaminate other files.
    • The worm installs itself automatically once it is on one computer and then looks for a way to spread to others.
    • While a virus is a set of code added to existing files, a worm is a separate, independent file.

For more information about viruses and worms, see the following article: ” What is a computer virus or computer worm? “.

What is a Trojan virus?

A Trojan horse is, in effect, a program that pretends to be a legitimate software but, when launched, performs a malicious action. Unlike computer viruses and worms, Trojan horses cannot spread independently. As a rule, Trojans secretly install and distribute their malicious payload without the user noticing.

Cybercriminals use numerous types of Trojans, each one designed to perform a specific malicious function. The most common are:

  • Backdoor Trojans (often include a keylogger)
  • trojan spies
  • Password Stealing Trojans
  • Trojan proxies, which turn your computer into a spam distribution machine

For more information on Trojans, see the following article: “What is a Trojan?”

Why are Trojan viruses called that way?

In Greek folklore (during the Trojan War), the Greeks used fraud to enter the city of Troy. Specifically, they introduced a giant wooden horse, and, not knowing that Greek soldiers were on the horse, the Trojans let him into the city. During the night, the Greek soldiers got off their horses and opened the city gates for the Greek army to invade Troy.

Today’s Trojan viruses use subterfuge to break into users’ computers and devices without arousing suspicion.

For more information on Trojans, see the following article: “What is a Trojan?”

Is pardon a keylogger?

A keylogger program can make the greatest what you type on your computer’s keyboard. Criminals use keyloggers to obtain sensitive data such as login credentials, passwords, credit card numbers, PINs, and other items. Backdoor Trojans usually include a built-in keylogger.

What is phishing?

Phishing is a cybercrime designed to trick you into divulging valuable information, such as your bank account or credit card details. Cybercriminals often create fake websites resembling legitimate sites, such as official bank websites. The cybercriminal tries to trick you into visiting his fake site, usually by sending you an email containing a hyperlink to that site. When you visit the fake website, you are typically asked to enter sensitive data such as login credentials, password or PIN.

For more information on phishing, see the following page: “Spam and phishing”.

What is spyware?

Spyware is software designed to collect and send data to a third party without your knowledge or permission. Spyware programs often:

  • They monitor the keys you press on the keyboard using a keylogger
  • They collect sensitive information, such as your passwords, credit card numbers, PINs, and more
  • Gather (or “harvest”) email addresses from your computer
  • They track your browsing habits

In addition to the possible damage that can be done if criminals are admitted to this type of information, spyware negatively affects your computer’s performance.

What is a “hidden download”?

In a drive-thru download, your computer is infected simply by visiting a website that contains malicious code.

Cybercriminals browse the Internet looking for vulnerable web servers they can hack into. When they find a vulnerable server, they can inject malicious code into its web pages. Suppose your computer’s operating system (or one of the applications running there) has an unpatched vulnerability. In that case, a malicious program will be automatically downloaded to your computer when you call the infected web page.

What is a rootkit?

Rootkits are programs that hackers use to circumvent detection while trying to gain unauthorized access to a computer. Rootkits are increasingly being used covertly to hide Trojan virus action. When installed on a computer, rootkits are unseen to the user and take precautions to avoid detection by safety software.

Because many persons log into their computers with manager rights (instead of creating a separate account with restricted access), it is easy for cybercriminals to install a rootkit.

What is adware?

Adware programs display advertisements (such as pop-up banners) on your computer or may redirect search results to promotional websites.

  • Adware is often bundled with freeware or shareware programs. If you download a freeware or shareware program, the adware can be installed on your system without your knowledge or permission.
  • Sometimes a Trojan virus secretly downloads an adware program from a website and installs it on your computer.

If your web browser does not have the latest updates, it may contain vulnerabilities that hacker tools or browser hijackers can exploit to download adware onto your computer. Browser hijackers can change browser settings, redirect misspelt or incomplete URLs to a specific site, or change your default home page. They can also redirect Internet searches to pornographic or pay-to-view websites.

For more information on adware, see the following article: “Adware, pornware, then riskware”.

What is a botnet?

A botnet is a network of computers skilful by cybercriminals using a Trojan horse virus or another malicious program.

For more information on botnets, see the following article: “What is a botnet?”.

What is a DoS attack?

The goal of denial-of-service (DoS) attacks is to disrupt or stop the regular operation of a website, server, or another network resource. Hackers can achieve these goals in several ways, such as sending a server many more requests than it can handle. As a result, the server will run slowly (and web pages will take much longer to open) and may cause it to crash completely, and all websites on the server become unavailable.

What is a DDoS attack?

A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is similar to a DoS. However, a DDoS attack is carried out with multiple computers. Typically, for a DDoS attack, the hacker uses a compromised computer as the “master” computer that coordinates the attack by other “zombie computers.” Typically, cybercriminals compromise the security of the master computer and all zombie computers by exploiting a vulnerability in an application on each computer to install a Trojan horse or other malicious code.

For more information on DDoS attacks, see the article “Dispersed Network/DDoS Attacks”.

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computer viruses


Trojan horses



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